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Centre for Water Research and Education(CWRE) was established on 05-08-2016 as subsidiary of Civil Engineering department Jyothi Engineering College, Cheruturuthy. The centre aims at providing services to the people on remediation of various water issues such as water transmission and distribution, water quality, micro-irrigation systems, water flow measurement, rain water harvesting, water treatment and with special focus on maintenance of domestic water sources of Kerala.The centre maintenance an approved water testing laboratory with facilities for analysis of conventional water quality parameters. A panel of experts from the sector are assigned the job of clearing doubts of the people on various issues related to water.

The centre aims at providing services to the people on remediation of various water issues such as water transmission and distribution, water quality, micro-irrigation systems, water flow measurement, rain water harvesting, water treatment and with special focus on maintenance of domestic water sources of Kerala.
Interaction on water related issues
Personal Interaction on water related issues with the experts in the college during normal working hours .
Conducting in house and outside training to various categories of people on water related subjects .
Consultancy services
Providing consultancy services on Design of water transmission and distribution systems, Water quality assessment and treatment, Water flow measurement and control, Micro-irrigation systems, Rainwater harvesting.
Conducting advanced research in water conveyance and quality problems.